Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Our Values

Me Services LLC aspires to be a leader in social Responsibility within the industry by promoting a positive culture with respect to human rights and the continuous improvement of working conditions.

Our Commitment

Me Services LLC is committed to manage our operations in a way that complies with all relevant employment legislation. In order to support implementation of our values we will adopt the ISO 26000 guidance for managing social Responsibility throughout our operations. The Code of Business Principles underpins this commitment.

Our Principles

Me Services LLC will continuously identify, assess, manage and improve the elements of our operation that impact on social accountability. In line with sound business practice, we will:

  • Conduct our business with fairness, honesty, integrity and respect for the interests of our stakeholders.
  •  Comply with the laws and regulations within the countries in which we operate.
  • Prevent the use of child labour and forced labour, improve health and safety, , prevent discrimination, implement performance management and manage compensation and working hours.
  • Implement a management system that establishes responsibilities, supporting policies, monitoring methods and a review process of our performance.
  • Provide awareness training on social Responsibility and where required job specific training for employees.
  • Encourage suppliers and contractors to support our principles and commitment on social Responsibility and introduce programs aimed at supporting these principles.

Policy Control and Review

Copies of this policy will be displayed at all Me Services LLC locations, communicated to every employee and be available to all other interested parties.Policy changes will be approved and communicated by the CEO.